Saturday, February 19, 2022

Overcoming Obstacles


My group consists of three members: Virginia, Kai, and I. During the first week of this project, Virginia and I flew out to Long Beach, California to compete in the biggest student broadcast competition in the country: Student Television Network. Since we were across the country and in a 3-hour time zone, Kai was left stranded without any partners. We tried our best to stay in contact with him and still collaborate on our project from thousands of miles apart, but the hectic nature of our competition prevented us from making much progress. 


Here’s a photo of Virginia and I at the roof of the Marriott
Renaissance in Long Beach, California.

Specific issues

Virginia and I dealt with connection issues throughout the trip. Our hotel had poor internet and to get faster internet, we would have to pay $14 a night. Because of this, we were not able to keep up with our own pre-production schedule and had to delay any progress we were hoping to accomplish. 

How we overcame this problem

However, even without this full group interaction, Virginia and I were able to brainstorm possible genres and plotlines. We discussed many of her past films and some that I’ve been a part of to gain inspiration. As I discussed in a past blog post, a lot of our previous work has been in the horror/ psychological thriller genre and we planned to move forward with that genre. We would take advantage of our downtime between competitions or at dinners to elaborate on this, considering how minimal our free time was. The competitions we competed in were timed, with one being an 8-hour long news program, making this brainstorming limited, but not impossible to succeed.


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